segunda-feira, novembro 20, 2006

Só pra não dizer que não atualizo, deixo uma música pra lembrar o melhor show que eu já fui, embora tenha ido a poucos... rsrsrs...

Aproveito pra agradecer pela felicidade de ter os amigos que tenho, estejam eles presentes todos os dias, só de vez em quando, pessoalmente ou virtualmente. Vocês estão entres as coisas que considero mais importantes nessa vida. Muito obrigada!


New Order - Regret

Maybe I've forgotten the name and the address
Of everyone I've ever known
It's nothing I regret
Save it for another day
It's the school exam and the kids have run away
I would like a place I could call my own
Have a conversation on the telephone
Wake up every day that would be a start
I would not complain of my wounded heart
I was upset you see
Almost all the time
You used to be a stranger
Now you are mine
I wouldn't even trust you
I've not got much to give
We're dealing in the limits
And we don't know who with
You may think that I'm out of hand
That I'm naive, I'll understand
On this occasion, it's not true
Look at me, I'm not you
I would like a place I could call my own
Have a conversation on the telephone
Wake up every day that would be a start
I would not complain of my wounded heart
I was a short fuse
Burning all the time
You were a complete stranger
Now you are mine
I would like a place I could call my own
Have a conversation on the telephone
Wake up every day that would be a start
I would not complain about my wounded heart
Just wait till tomorrow
I guess that's what they all say
Just before they fall apart

3 comentários:

Anônimo disse...

Oi minha querida amiga!!!
Saiba que vc mora aki no meu coração tb...
Td de bom pra vc e uma ótima semana!
Bjos.... Saulo

Kelly Soares disse...


Anônimo disse...

Finalmente essa bugega abriu!

Olha só Kelly, to de mal! ha qto tempo nao te vejo? To entrando em crise de abstinência de Kelly!
E como não bastasse nao querer sair comigo ainda vai me abandonar, qdo vc voltar e eu estiver estatelada na porta da sua casa com lagrimas secas no rosto e me alimentando de luz do sol e água da chuva vc vai se arrepender haha e depois dizem q escorpiônicos são dramáticos!
